Do you have a persistent rash or an unpredictable rash that goes away and then returns?
If you are suffering from an unusual rash that doesn’t completely respond to treatment, you may have contact dermatitis. This rash can occur anywhere on the body and may involve swollen, dry, itchy, red patches and sometimes small blisters on the skin. You may be coming into contact with substances which you are allergic to or that are irritating your skin.
The best course of treatment is to find the cause of the contact dermatitis and to avoid it. This could potentially cure your rash. Allergy patch testing can help identify the substances which may be triggering the irritation or allergic reaction.
Allergy patch testing is a painless, needle free process which takes place over two visits. The tests are customized to you, based on your medical history, occupation, environment and skin care products you may use. These visits are covered by most insurance plans if other treatments for your rash have failed.
For any irritants or allergens that are identified, we will provide counseling on how to avoid and/or manage the symptoms of contact dermatitis. As members of the American Contact Dermatitis Society, we provide all our patients with customized safe product lists that make it easier to find personal care products that are free of their allergens.